About Me

I am a third-year PhD student in the CSE department at Michigan State University, working under the supervision of Prof. Tianxing Li. I received my B.S. degree from Wuhan University and completed my Master’s degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (ECE) and University of Massachusetts Amherst (CS), where I worked on mmWave sensing with Prof. Jie Xiong.

Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence of Things, Multi-modality, Wireless Sensing, Smart Agriculture, Mobile Health, Cybersecurity

Recent News

  • May 2024 I am happy to be awarded the NSF Travel Grant for attending ACM MobiSys ‘24.
  • Mar 2024 Our paper is accepted at MobiSys ‘24.
  • Aug 2023 Our survey paper about soil is accepted at Network.
  • Jul 2023 Our paper is accepted at UbiComp ‘23.
  • May 2023 I am happy to receive the Summer Research Fellowship from Michigan State University.
  • Mar 2023 Our paper is accepted at MobiSys ‘23.
  • Dec 2022 Our paper is accepted at INFOCOM ‘23.


  • SoilCares: Towards Low-cost Soil Macronutrient and Moisture Monitoring Using RF-VNIR Sensing
    Juexing Wang*, Yuda Feng *, Gouree Kumbhar, Guangjing Wang, Qiben Yan, Qingxu Jin, Robert C. Ferrier, Jie Xiong, Tianxing Li
    In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), 2024.
    (Full paper. Acceptance rate: 43/263=16.3%) [PDF] [Slides]

  • PATCH: A Plug-in Framework of Non-blocking Inference for Distributed Multimodal System
    Juexing Wang, Guangjing Wang, Xiao Zhang, Li Liu, Huacheng Zeng, Li Xiao, Zhichao Cao, Lin Gu, Tianxing Li
    ACM Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT/UbiComp), 2023.
    (Full paper. Acceptance rate: 28%) [PDF]

  • RoFin: 3D Hand Pose Reconstructing via 2D Rolling Fingertips
    Zhang, Xiao, Griffin Klevering, Juexing Wang, Li Xiao, and Tianxing Li
    In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), 2023.
    (Full paper. Acceptance rate: 41/198=20.7%) [PDF]

  • FacER: Contrastive Attention based Expression Recognition via Smartphone Earpiece Speaker
    Guangjing Wang, Qiben Yan, Shane Patrarungrong, Juexing Wang, and Huacheng Zeng
    IEEE INFOCOM 2023-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1-10
    (Full paper. Acceptance rate: 252/1312=19.2%) [PDF]

  • Survey for Soil Sensing with IOT and Traditional Systems
    Juexing Wang, Xiao Zhang, Li Xiao, Tianxing Li
    Network 3 (4), 482-501(Survey in Journal) [PDF]